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School Lunches

Hot School Meals:

Key Stage 1 children (Year Reception to Year 2), are entitled to a free hot meal under the Universal Infant Free school Meals Scheme (UIFSM). Key Stage 2 children can purchase these meals at £2.44 per day. Please contact our office for details on how these can be ordered. Some children in all year groups may be entitled to Free School Meals, please see the link below for more details.

If your child has any specific dietary needs due to allergies, etc please read the letter below and complete the form available. The form MUST be sent to the address given on the form. Please also ensure that the school as been informed of any changes to medical needs as normal.

The Government provides free fruit and vegetables in the form of a snack for Key Stage 1 pupils and milk for children until the age of 5 years.  Some children over the age of 5 may be entitled to free milk - check eligibility using the link below. 

Should you wish to purchase milk for your child then please see the school office where this can be arranged at a cost of 23p per 189ml.


Requirements for school:

We ask that each child brings in a named bottle each day, preferably with water.  Your child can ask for their bottle to be refilled at any point in the day, as well as having access to an outside water fountain. 

We encourage water to be drunk throughout the day to keep your child hydrated and support them in their readiness to learn.  We do not allow fruit squash with added sugar, fizzy drinks or energy drinks of any kind. 

We also encourage packed lunches to provide a balanced, healthy meal.  Too much sugary food often causes fatigue in afternoon sessions and should therefore be kept to a sensible amount. 

Please mark your child's lunch box clearly.  Glass or metal pots/bottles are not allowed for the safety of all children in school. 


SNACK: Your child will be given a morning break time where they will have the opportunity to eat a small snack.  KS1 children are provided with free fruit and vegetables. KS2 are asked to adhere to fruit and vegetables also.

NO NUTS are allowed in school so please check ingredients carefully, particularly in cereal bars.

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