School Council
At Winsham, we promote children having their say and being heard through our School Council. We are so pleased that so many of our student's want to be the voice of the school. This year's School Council members are:
Year 2 - Seth
Year 3 - Yasmin, Emily, Saffie, Kailin, Jack
Year 4 - Louisa, Tamsin, Madison
Year 5 - Emily
School Council Members
Early on in the school year every pupil has the opportunity to be elected as a school Councillor. Each pupil has to secure a vote by explaining why they want to represent the school voice and how they might achieve this.
School Councillors consult with their class on how they would like to see their school improve and discuss different ideas and key decisions. The School Councillors listen to the ideas from their class and feed these back to the main School Council. Our School Council meet half - termly.
In addition we expect our older children to take some responsibility for themselves and the younger children. They do this by taking on the roles of:
Play leaders
House Ambassadors
Reading buddies