Our Values in Action
Our school culture is underpinned by five core values – shared principles that everybody in the school tries to uphold in everything that they do.
The Good Samaritan exemplifies showing compassion and empathy for anyone
Nehemiah exemplifies drive through rebuilding Jerusalem
Tabitha exemplifies showing compassion and empathy for those less fortunate.
Moses exemplifies how to be a determined leader
David exemplifies how to inspire other through ‘heart’ rather than size
Jesus exemplifies to serve others through integrity
The parable of the talents exemplifies how to be ambitious
Jesus exemplifies how to do right – be our best
Jesus exemplifies we can learn from our sins
The 5 daughters exemplify standing up for what you value
Zacchaeus exemplifies how to be honest with yourself
The prodigal Son how to show forgiveness
The Widow’s Mite exemplifies how to give more
The story of the lost sheep exemplifies how we support those in need of support
‘Through the roof’ exemplifies how we support those close to us